Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I was listening this week to a guy talking about a city. It was a has-been city from ancient times, and the by the time the story took place, it wasn't that great of a place to be anymore. It wasn't the indestructible fortress of power it had once been, and it was kind of wasting away from the inside out. What the guy said who was telling the story was that this city was living of the fumes of its glory from the past.


I think we do that. People of faith do that. I do that. We have a crazy time of growth, then we sit back and think that we logged enough energy and learning to last for a while. Most of me thinks that is fine, I earned a break after lots of hard work right? Yea, maybe, but this other part of me wonders what would happen if I stopped being lazy, and actually asked to see if there was more? More to learn? More to see and do and experience and cry and laugh over? What if there was? I will get there eventually, but right now I am too busy living in the fumes of my past glory to notice.

That would be sad.

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